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You owe me a keyboard
Also you will owe me an led monitor in a couple hours

Calm down. Calm down. Everything will be alright. Go to your happy place. Lol. Thanks for playing!

Did you ever beat the game?

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(2 edits)

Thank you so much! I love to hear that my game actually did its job in being rage inducing.

The feedback you gave was awesome by the way! I don't get much of it, so I love it when I actually see someone commented on my games. I agree with you on your feedback except for the checkpoints because you know, it's got to be rage inducing... Lol. In all seriousness, this was the best feedback that I have ever gotten, so thank you!

I think it's an awesome idea to add some music. Unfortunately, I am kind of lacking in music making, so I will have to work on that one. I can see adding some drag to the ball. That would be a nice thing to add. I agree that it will get boring after awhile. I should probably add a background like you said. 

I appreciate this so much. You even followed me! You are so awesome! From one developer to another to another, thank you! I am going to look into some of your games, so you might see me in some of your comments. (:

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(3 edits)

Lol. I did make level one hard, didn’t I?

Thanks for the suggestions! I didn’t know that you can filter for commercial music in sound cloud. I might try that out. Good job on reaching the 10 followers mark dude! That’s pretty cool

If I need some feedback, I’ll definitely let you know! I am actually working on two games right now with two different friends. One is going to take awhile, but the other will be released soon. The one that will take a while is a horror game. My friend and I are trying to make it really scary. Do you like to play scary games? 

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This game will be 3D and have no gore. I personally don’t like gore.